Book Reading/ Update on my Health!

I checked out a book about a girl who suffered from Celiac Disease. In her book she said that that day she went gluten free, by night she saw results and felt better. But I don't know about you, it never was that quick in feeling better. The said part I have been on the diet now for 8 years and have not had any result, but my blood tests look alot better now. Also in her book she didn't indicate that Celiac Disease is an Auto Immune Disease. She says that she is an expert of knowing alot of about Celiac Disease, but after starting to read her book, I really don't believe it. This summer I am starting to write a book about my suffering with Celiac and it has been hard suffering for me.

I should get you all up to date. In the Fall I weighed 54 pounds and went to Mayo with no help. All they wanted to say was that I had an eating disorder. So all fall I was in and out of the hospital. I had a pick line. In September they told me I only had two weeks to live. My mom wanted to get my hopes up and she and I started planning a trip to Disney World. By October we finally found a doctor that wanted to help me. In November I had an appointment and he found that my Gastrin level was extremely dangerously high. The acid from the gastrin was burning my stomach and intestines really raw. No wonder why it was so painful eating. This was caused by Celiac Disease. Anyways he played around with my meds and am now on meds that have been working. The doctor also got me ready to go on the trip. I went on the Trip to Disney World Jan 6-16th weighing at 84 pounds. Yaah. I will have to tell you how I was a Princess to all the Chef. All I have to say is that I have never ate as good as I did there. The chefs catered to my Gluten Free Diet and the food was amazing!!


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