
Showing posts with the label Panic

COVID-19 Is Showing Cruel People

No one can get away from the news and devastation the Coronavirus COVID-19 is causing. This flu is scary especially for people with autoimmune conditions, such as myself. I am a little worried about it, but I am always worried about the regular flu, Norovirus, and colds too.  Ever since I was 9 years old I know to watch what I am touching and to wash hands   all the times.  Our governer stated even though this is an epidemic we are seeing kind people stepping out to help each other. I haven't seen that in my area. I see people buying 150 or more rolls of toilet paper, 25 or more Lysol sprays, 25 or more hand soaps and the list goes on. There are rows and rows of food out of stock. Why? This isn't like its a hurricane or fire or some sort of natural disaster. Its the flu. You can hire someone to the store to pick up food for you if you are sick or just can't get out.   I went to Meijers two days ago and almost got killed by a woman and a man. I asked the stocker if the