My Thanksgiving

I had a horrid Thanksgiving. My mother side of the family had totally ganged up on me. Their conversations were mainly about how horrid it is to be gluten free and that people are crazy for going on a gluten free diet. My grandmother told my dad, who has Celiac but hasn't done the blood test yet, that he was crazy for eating gluten free before getting a blood test. My dad likes the gluten free food. My family just does not what to take the time to learn about what the disease is and how to cook gluten free. Honestly it's not that hard to be gluten free. It is my 8th year and I found there is more and more gluten free items out there. Things taste alot better then when I was first diagnosed. My grandmother had the hardest time saying that the pumpkin pie is just a pumpkin pie, but she could not. She had to say the pumpkin pie was a gluten free pumpkin pie. The pumpkin pie was also sugarless, but that was ok.She didnt have to say that. My grandfather and my Uncle are both diabetic and have to be sugarless. I know that my mother side has Celiac Disease.
It got so bad I told my mother that we need to leave.

They really hurt my feelings. There is a part of me that never what to see or talk to them again!

All of you out there that have problems with your family, I understand.

Thanks for letting me blow of some steam!


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