I got my Cat Jakie Punkin Back from Heaven

In May of 2018, Jakie Punkin, my 16 years old cat, passed away from cancer.
He went in for his yearly teeth cleaning to getting a call saying the reason why is nose is always crusty isn't due to teeth it is due to jaw cancer.
They gave him only 2 weeks to live.  I didn't believe them since they told me I would only have him for 1-3 years when we found out he had liver problems and cysts near his eyes.  I turned to the interest. I found some amazing products. and put him on Rescue Remedy for Pets, and CBD oil made for pets.

I immediately went online trying to figure out how to slow cancer down. He was eating, playing and cuddling, so he wasn't in a lot of pain. I ended up calling a pet psychic Judy. She guided me through the process by telling me how he is doing. I learned he wanted to he wants to die to at home and not at the vet.  He told me he wants to come back but needs a year or so to recover after having a body that wasn't working right for a very long time.  At the age of 4, he was diagnosed with liver problems. He also had a few cysts near his eye that had to be removed.  The vet said I might get 1-3 more years with him if I am lucky. I had him until he turned 16 years old.

I asked Judy if Jakie would like to come back. He told her he would but needs a year to heal. He wants to come back as a male again.

It was one of the hardest things I went through. I believe in reincarnation.

May 2019 arrived time to get my boy back. I called Judy to find out what happens next. She told me I need to find a kitten under the age of 4 weeks. The younger the better. My friend's sister foster kittens. I messaged her telling her I am looking for a male cat under 4 weeks. She just got in a bunch of kittens around 2 1/2 weeks. I had her take a picture of all the males in the litter. I sent the photos to Judy. Judy said he wants this body:

I quickly told her I want this cute baby.  They were amazing because they allowed me to come to visit him once a week.  He was so thin. I guess someone threw the litter of kittens out on the edge of the road in a bag. How can people do something like that? People can be so mean. 

My mom and I were trying to figure out his name. I made a list of names he thought would fit him and then sent them to Judy. Judy said Jakie loves Oliver Jakie. 

On June 24, 2019, he was able to come home.  He was having a severe runny poo. He was so thin. You could feel everything.  I ended up taking him to the Vet three days after adoption to find out if it could be worms. My vet gave him two different shots of deworming meds. He didn't see any worms under the microscope but it doesn't mean he still didn't have them.  I bought Revolution for Trixie and Faith just to be on the safe side too. 
He had seven doses of liquid meds we had to give him. Two days ago he finally is going formed poo and is putting on weight. He also doesn't have a bloated up belly. 

Instead, he is dealing with a respiratory cold because his eyes are inflamed. We put him on antibiotic eye drops. Oh, he hates them.  He is the sweetest baby boy. He loves to cuddle so much. I look forward to showing you more about him. 

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