Devastating News About Oliver the Kitten

I would be lying if I said I am doing well. On September 6th I had to take Oliver back to the vet again He was doing so well and was thinking he might not even have Feline Infectious Peritonitis
 (FIP.)  His blood work didn't look very bad when I took him on August 29th. His WBC was low and his proteins were elevated, but for a FIP kitty, he looked very well. 

My vet, Dr. Burns, couldn't see him, but they were able to fit me into another vet's schedule. Oliver hasn't lost any weight. He actually gained a pound. He is now 6.9 pounds. I thought maybe he was having fluid retaining in his belly because he seemed a little hard like when Jakie had cancer and it filled up in his belly. Dr. Miller listened to his breathing. He said there is fluid sounds on his lungs, but his stomach and intestines sound and feel fine. He decided we should do an x-ray.  I was totally fine with that. 
Oliver did an amazing job.  Fifteen minutes later and Dr. Miller came back into the room with "that" look on his face. The x-ray shows there is fluid building back into his lungs.  My mom and I were devastated.   I tried not to cry because it upsets Oliver.  Dr. Miller suggested we put him down right away. I wasn't going to do that because he is still playing and eating. Plus, I want to put him down at home in his familiar environment. Plus, it helps the other cats in the home because they won't wonder where he went.  I asked him if he could drain the lung, so I have some more time with him and so I can schedule an in-home vet to come to our house.  He said, "Yes" he could do that. I asked him how much it is going to cost me. 

When Oliver got the fluid drained off his lungs the first time at Blue Pearl it cost me $890 (exam, oxygen, fluid drainage). 
I was terrified to found out how much my vet charges. Dr. Miller comes back in. He said with the exam, x-ray, antibiotics medications and removal of fluid from the lungs it will cost be a total of $189. I was shocked at how reasonable it was. I said, "yes." Dr. Miller wasn't sure if he would have to put him under sedation, but Oliver held still.  

I just don't know how to get through this right now. Now I have to find a vet to come out to the house. I called the lady who came out to put Jakie down, but she hasn't called me back. 

I called Heaven at Home Hospice because that is where every single vet in west Michigan tells me to call, so I did. Holy cow are they expensive. It was going to cost me $490 for the vet to come to the house and put it down and then another $120 for cremation.  I am having no luck finding another resource, so I emailed them back letting them know I only made $14,000 last year. They told me they do have a donation program to help people who can't afford it. It will now only be $235. I really need to find a better paying job because Oliver has cost me over $2000. I will do anything for my babies though. 

Please Please Please put Oliver in your prayers. I am praying for a miracle.  


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