Pumpkin Carving Winner and Halloween Memories

I thought you might want to hear a little bit about some of my Halloween memories. Halloween, like other holidays, isn't the same when you are an adult. It's not as fun unless you have kids, but if you are 33 years old it isn't.  Since I have had more hours available in my schedule I have been going through my old boxes. I found some of Halloween memories. 

When I was in fourth and fifth grade they had a pumpkin contest. Grades 1st to 5th voted on them. 

I was so excited to be able to enter a pumpkin when I was in fourth grade. My mom and I spent hours the night before creating my pumpkin.  My mom is one creative person. We were a great pair.  

My first time entering was in fourth grade. I did a spider pumpkin. I still couldn't believe I won first place. 

My last year at my elementary school, fifth grade, I entered the contest again because I had so much fun making my pumpkin with my mom. This time we decided to make the pumpkin into a cat. It is hard to see in the photo, but we made a beanie baby black cat. We attached the Beanie Babies tag on its ear.  Beanie Babies at that time was hot and heavy. I still couldn't believe I won again first place. Being creative is so much fun and to be told your creation is awesome is a great feeling. 

My elementary school had a lot of fun Halloween activites.  My mom was incharge of our classroom parties. Our school did a costume parade where we would walk around in each classroom to show off our costumes. I was usually a princess and a cat. My mom always had the best costumes. One year I was so upset because I didn't see my mom and the party was about to start. My mom was never late to anything. I started crying in the hallway and my teacher came over said she is in the classroom.  I could not believe the scarecrow was my mom. I could not recognize her. She scared the crap out of me and she also made a mess. The straw stuffing kept spilling out all over the floor when she walked around.   By the end of the day she lost a lot of weight, aka straw. It was really funny.

I thought you might have a little fun seeing my pumpkins and my memories with Halloween at school. 


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