The Paris Betrayal by James R. Hannibal Book Review


After a rough mission in Rome involving the discovery of a devastating bioweapon, Company spy Ben Calix returns to Paris to find his perfectly ordered world has collapsed. A sniper attack. An ambush. A call for help that brings French SWAT forces down on his head. Ben is out. This is a severance--reserved for incompetents and traitors.

Searching for answers and anticipating a coming attack, Ben and a woman swept up in his misfortunes must travel across Europe to find the sniper who tried to kill him, the medic who saved his life, the schoolmaster who trained him, and an upstart hacker from his former team. More than that, Ben must come to grips with his own insignificance as the Company's plan to stop Leviathan from unleashing the bioweapon at any cost moves forward without him--and he struggles against the infection that is swiftly claiming territory within his own body.

Award-winning author James R. Hannibal ratchets up the tension on every page of this suspenseful new thriller.


Another James R. Hannibal book I love. His plots are amazing.  He surprises me all the time. His thriller's/mersteries twist and turn. His characters are solid.  The details in his books are phenomenal. The story is easy to follow.  "The Paris Betrayal" is cram-packed action and suspense. 

We are taken into Ben's life who is struggling with one thing after the other. He is a very relatable character. We see him go through dealing with failing a mission. He is in a dark place from not feeling well to feeling like no one believes in him. His world really changed after getting kicked out of the CIA.  He is trying to figure out who he can trust and who he can't.  I was rooting for him all throughout the book.  I found it interesting Hannibal occasionally switched to a POV of one of the secondary characters creating more questions for the readers. Clara is an interesting character. She is one of Ben's friends. Clara helped him get out of trouble. There isn't really a romance, but there are characters in love. Clara is one of those characters. 

Hannibal put some dry humor throughout the story, which brought it more character. I don't want to talk about the story too much because I don't want to spoil it for you. 

I didn't really see too much Christianity in the book. I love books that don't have a Christian message and I also like books that do. I am fine with either of them. In Hannibal's note at the end, he put JOB's message in it. 

It's clean- no sex, no swearing, not really anything that could trigger someone. There is some gore and killing, but it wasn't tons of it.  It is a Christain story, but not an overpowering Christian story. I highly recommend reading "The Paris Betrayal". It is a nice beach day read. 

"I received this book courtesy of Baker Publishing Group, Revell Division, through Interviews & Reviews. All opinions in this review are my own."


Former stealth pilot, James R. Hannibal is no stranger to secrets and adventure. He has been shot at, locked up with surface to air missiles, and chased down a winding German road by an armed terrorist. He is a two-time Silver Falchion award-winner for his Section 13 mysteries for kids and a Thriller Award nominee for his Nick Baron covert ops series for adults. 

James lives in Houston with his beautiful wife and two amazing sons. He is a rare multi-sense synesthete, meaning all of his senses intersect. He sees and feels sounds and smells and hears flashes of light. If he tells you the chocolate cake you offered smells blue and sticky, take it as a compliment. 

James R. Hannibal's Website: Click Here


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