Lights Out by Natalie Walters - Book Review


CIA analyst Brynn Taylor developed a new program to combat terrorism, and she invited members of foreign intelligence agencies to America to foster cooperation between countries. Now one of them, Egyptian spy Remon Riad, is missing.


Jack Hudson has been working for the Strategic Neutralization and Protection Agency (SNAP) for almost nine years and takes the lead in hunting down the missing spy. But he isn't at all pleased to find out Brynn is involved. It's hard to trust a woman who's already betrayed you.


I have read a couple of Natalie Walters's novels. "Lights Out" is the first book of her new series. We are taken into Washington DC. It caused so many emotions in me. Brynn Taylor, a CIA analyst, is driven to help stop terrorism.  It is a big deal to her since her firefighter father of House 11 of FDNY was badly injured in 9/11.  A participant from Egypt comes up missing causing the intelligence community to go into high alert. She is sent to work with SNAP, a private company in the business to help find him. The only problem is she has to work with her ex-boyfriend Jack Hudson, with whom she went through the CIA Farm training with. 

Brynn Taylor is all about her career. She reminds me of Sandra Bullock in "Miss Congeniality". Brynn chose the CIA over love, aka Jack, in the past. They end up not trusting each other causing more conflicts on top of the mission. Walter does a great job of giving you information about their past relationship throughout the book. 

Natalie Walters did a wonderful job of putting in twists and turns that make you keep guessing." Lights Out" is full of suspense, growth, danger, romance, and friendships. The plot is intense and hard to put down.  I look forward to reading the next books in this series to get to know these characters more especially the rest of the other SNAP team members. I had a blast reading it and I believe you will too especially if you like action pack, intense, danger, mystery, and suspense. It's all in one. 

I received a complimentary book from Revell Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 


I love Jesus. My family. Books. And tea. Traveling excites me and terrifies me. I’m known to turn any conversation into a catchy song (you should hear what I can do to the crab song from Moana!). I eat candy based on mood. Wage war on my curly hair every day (the topknot defies me). And have a photographic memory, which according to my family and friends gives me an unfair advantage on trivia and word games.


But before all of that…


As a little girl I escaped my reality into the world of story. My love of reading grew out of a desperate desire to belong and I found my place among characters who lived lives full of adventure and whimsy. I wish I could say that I was a born writer but the truth is that I was a born reader. Consuming books at a rate my parents couldn’t afford I was introduced to the magical world called The Library. With an endless supply of books and a quiet, air-conditioned corner—the library raised me.

It wasn’t until I was in high school and facing a difficult to please English teacher did I discover how much I enjoyed writing. But before the dream of being a writer could even be planted, the Master Storyteller was only beginning ACT 2 in my own life. I fell in love, married a hero, and had three beautiful babies and they’ve taught me that adventure is best experienced with those you love and who love you.


More than two decades later, I can’t imagine doing life any different. Though I’ve been through dark valleys and experienced euphoric highs—it’s been the journey along the way that has shaped the story of my heart at the hands of a Master Storyteller.


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”


This is my time to write. My season to tell stories full of characters embarking in high-stakes adventure, personal struggle, and page-turning tension highlighted in swoon-worthy moments of romance. It’s my dream that my stories will encourage, inspire, and invite readers into a world where they belong.


I’m represented by Tamela Hancock-Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.

Her Website: Click here


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