Auto Immune Disease is a Killer TMI

 It never fails when I have to do something my stomach goes south. My work required me to help out with the student showcase. Around 3:30pm work took all the faculty and staff out for dinner at P.F. Changs. Just so you know P.F. Chang is really good about working with people who have Celiac Disease. I wasn't doing to bad until after dinner. 

At 5:00pm, we had to set up the reception, red carpet, and merchandise table. 6:30pm the showcase started, but I ended up helping finish setting up the reception room. If I would have known that I wouldn't have worn my high heel boots. There were only two other people besides me who were helping set-up the reception. I was jealous of the rest of the faculty and staff who were able to sit in comfortable recliners having fun watching the students' films while I and two other staff members finished setting up the reception hall.  

Due to my severity of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and my back condition, I am unable to drive much. If I have to drive I will, but if I don't have to I won't because I never know when my leg will go numb. My mom sat out in the car from 3:30-5:00pm while we were at P.F. Chang. I brought her the leftovers. Then we moved to the theatre where she waited for me in the car from 5:00pm-10:00pm. It was a warm night so she decided to see Yesterday at 7:00pm. This film would finish around 9:00pm. It worked out perfectly, well sort of. 

**Warning TMI**

Around 8:15pm, my stomach started bloating up with on and off severe stabbing pains. The next minute I felt the need to run to the bathroom. I hate going #2 in a public restroom, especially painful ones.  Usually, public restrooms are hot, busy, very noisy and have bright lights. Plus, it never fails, when I have to sit for a little bit on the toilet everyone in the whole wide world decides they need to use the restroom too. 

I was able to find the movie theatre where my mom was in and got the car keys so I could into my flats. On my way out to the car, I went to the bathroom. As I am sitting on the toilet, I quickly find myself wishing I held it until I got home because this was a #2 I knew was going to make me really sick.  I was pushing and pushing and nothing wanted to come out. Thanks, Gastroparesis. One moment later, a good amount of blood went into the toilet. My stomach quickly became nauseated and I felt really dizzy.  I needed to go home ASAP. I went upstairs to tell my co-workers I need to go home. 

I went back to the theatre where my mom was to let her know I wasn't doing very well. She told me the movie was almost over with. The movie ended at 9:11pm. I went in to let her know around 8:45pm. This is one reason why I hate going to places. The cramping was getting severe again so I ran back to the bathroom. Again, I couldn't go. I passed some gas which helped a little bit. Finally, at 9:05 pm we were out. My mom missed maybe 5 minutes. Come to find out the film cost her $11.50. For that price, I understood why she wanted to stay for every minute of the film.  Man movie tickets are becoming ridiculously expensive. I felt bad making her leave a little early, but I was not feeling well at all. Too bad because I lost an hour of pay, which I so desperately needed since all three of my babies (cats) have been having lots of vet bills.  Oh well. Life is life. 

Finally got home around 10:00 pm. Spent one hour in the bathroom and I still couldn't even go even with my squatty potty. I took my medications to sleep in hopes of sleeping this off even though it won't go away until I go. 

Woke up in the morning still couldn't go. I tried my best to relax and not tense up, but when you are hurting so bad it is hard not to. Finally, around late afternoon I went. Welcome hemorrhoid city.  

Sadly, my tummy problem came at a really bad time. So if you have had this happen you are not lone. I deal with this quite frequently. Sometimes it's hard stool and other times its diarrhea or even a mix at the same time. Thank you Celiac, Gastroparesis, and Chrons. You suck! 

If you know it is mostly constipation: 

  • Then try doing Mirailax which you can get over the counter. If you are a Costco member you can get 3 huge bottles of it for the price of one. 
  • Gas -X
  • Ex-Lax
  • Magnesium Citrate
  • There are Prescription ones too such as Lizness 

If you see any of these symptoms you need to go see your doctor or the ER:

  • Blood in the Stool (Dark blood means inside the colon is bleeding, bright red is more like hemorrhoids)
  • Vomiting especially bile
  • Severe Nausea
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Hard time breathing
  • Severe bloating
  • Severe pain
  • Swallen body
  • Severe Back Pain
  • Severe should pain

It is always important to make sure there isn't a hole in your colon or your colon is really twisted or even worse it is cancer. Also, make sure to check for Celiac, Chrons, Colitis, and Gastroparesis too. 

It is better to get it checked out than to hold off and lose your intestines. 


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